Ketamine Treatment
So What Exactly is Ketamine Assisted Therapy?
If you are reading this page you most likely have heard the term, treatment resistant depression. You may have tried a variety of antidepressants and seen multiple counselors over the years only to find yourself remaining stuck in feelings of hopelessness and despair. Perhaps there is trauma or PTSD in your history that you cannot seem to shake. Maybe your life has been plagued by anxiety and fear, and no matter what you do, you consistently find yourself back a sense of hopelessness and despair.
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, along with other psychedelic assisted therapies, is relatively new to western treatment. Although indigenous cultures have been using psychedelic medicines, or plant teachers, for eons, modern science is just now beginning to understand the vastly untapped healing properties of psychedelic medicines.
Ketamine Treatment combines the healing properties of Ketamine with traditional psychotherapy. Treatment with Ketamine occurs while a client is either actively under the effects Ketamine or in between the scheduled doses. Ketamine users have described experiences of profound Spiritual connection, experiencing the dissolution of boundaries and barriers that often hide the negative patterns and beliefs that keep us from our higher potentials.
So How Exactly Does Ketamine Work?
Ketamine Treatment has recently been approved by the FDA and confirmed by the American Psychological Association (APA) after reviewing dozens of clinical trials to be provide rapid and robust antidepressant properties. Ketamine differs from traditional antidepressants (SSRI’s, SNRI’S, MAOI’s) in that it works with the Glutamate system. When taken in the proper dose and prescribed by Psychiatrists familiar with its effects, it has been shown to create new neural pathways similar to when we learn new skills. This “synaptogenesis”, or the spontaneous creation of synaptic connections between neurons. Ketamine has been shown to work where other antidepressants have failed.
How Do I Know If Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Is Right For Me?
My practice works with a several different Ketamine Treatment facilities in Florida. All potential clients undergo a thorough evaluation by a psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, or certified nurse anesthetist prior to the being prescribed. Professionals at the facility will educate you on the experience and develop a unique plan that works for your specific needs. The primary way most clients receive Ketamine is at the clinic via IV while being monitored by staff.
Ketamine Assisted Therapy is not right for all people. If you have experienced recent suicidal ideation or attempts, have been diagnosed with a psychotic disorder like Schizophrenia or are currently have an active substance addiction, you may not be a good fit for Ketamine Treatment.
What does ketamine treat?
Ketamine has been shown to be effective addressing people with Treatment Resistant Depression, Chronic PTSD, Debilitating Anxiety and Chronic Pain and BiPolar Disorder.
SO what is the therapist role in the process?
My role is that of a facilitator or integrator of the therapeutic or spiritual insights gained during Ketamine infusions. I typically meet with clients in between procedures and process with them the varied experiences they can remember. My own experiences have shown me that a level of conscious integration following a mystical experience is necessary to ground into one’s life what they have seen or been shown on the level of the mystical. Naturally, research is also showing that Ketamine treatment combined with psychotherapy greatly expand and cement therapeutic gains. Clients while undergoing Ketamine often get glimpses at early traumatic memories, get “AH HA” moments about relationships, experiences or patterns of behavior, or simply get direction to “look here” at different aspects of their life. In psychotherapy, we will explore has been uncovered.
I am interested in getting started. Now what?
There are new Ketamine Treatment Facilities popping up all over the place. I work with which I feel comfortable referring my clients too. If you are in the Tallahassee area I recommend Novel Mind and Wellness Center. Feel free to each out to me below and I can put you in contact with a facility that works for you. Together we can find you some relief.